Brad Mika
All Black #1024
21 Year metabolic age reduction
21kg of body fat lost
37% visceral fat reduction
Rehabbed knees, can run again and keep up with the kids!
All Black #1024
21 Year metabolic age reduction
21kg of body fat lost
37% visceral fat reduction
Rehabbed knees, can run again and keep up with the kids!
All Black #957
21 Year metabolic age reduction
8kg of body fat lost
22% visceral fat reduction
11% Bronco Fitness-Aerobic Health increase
Big steps forward back to great health
Kiwi #705
Metabolic Age 15 years under real age
3kg fat lost + 3kg muscle gained
38% Visceral Fat reduction
Another man already in great shape, who was able to sharpen his sword even further?