Tawera Nikau

Kiwi #614
I've been involved in professional sport for over 4 decades, as a player and now as high performance director for NZ Rugby League.

During this time I have come across a number of outstanding individuals in strength, conditioning and wellbeing, and Alex Flint's knowledge, experience and innovation puts him in the top echelon of trainers.

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Sir Graham Henry

"Alex Flint quite frankly is an outstanding Strength and Conditioning Coach. Knowledgeable, inspirational and his use of modern technology adds greatly to the motivation of his clients.

Over the years I have worked some outstanding individuals in this space and Alex is among the very best."

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Sir Wayne ‘Buck’ Shelford

All Black #860
I have known many trainers during my time playing and coaching in NZ. Alex stands out to be the best. Personable, knowledgeable in his trade and a great guy to have in a team environment.

People that use trainers need to know that they are not just good, but great at what they do. Alex has that in spades.

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